Search Is The Center Of Learning


Search is at the center of learning.

What’s the first thing you do when you need to learn something new?

Are any of these one of your answer?

Look through a list of courses offered on your company LMS.

Ask a coworker how to do it.

Figure it out on your own.

These are a few I thought of, but they’re just the beginning when thinking about how users begin the learning process.

One place where the learning process often starts is that big box that runs the way we find most of our information these days.


I begin with a quick search to kick off the learning or research process. It’s not always successful in finding information, but I at least figure out where I might need to go next. It’s not only where learning starts, but is useful through the entire learning process.

It feels like search is one of the most valuable assets an organization has when it comes to providing routes for employees to learn.

If it’s difficult to find what you need because of a lacking search function, you are doing your employees a huge disservice. You have provided them a huge road-block in their journey to providing your enterprise value.

A device agnostic approach is vital to give your employees with the power of search from wherever they need to use it. If the information they need to find isn’t turning up in results or is difficult to find, they’re not going to dig therefore you lost them.

Nobody is going to go hunting through an LMS for a specific course unless somebody told them about it. Also, nobody wants to search through a dozen different systems. One search should cover all information an employee could want to find.

Whether it’s a course, a job aid, a web page, or any other resource, it should be found using one search and be available on any device desired.

If it’s not possible to deliver something on any device desired, that should be immediately know before the user wastes time trying to view it.

Regardless of the device, a seamless experience from mobile to desktop is what your user deserves.

What are some ways you can think of to make your user’s experience even more painless?

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